THree Months
14lbs | 6oz
Samuel Alan, you’re three months old! Every month, I have such a hard time realizing just how quickly the time is going. You’ve developed such a personality this past month, and your “goos” have become “gah”, “boo”, and “gloo”—you’re always “talking”! You love to smile back to people, and your expressions keep your mama laughing daily. I’m convinced you have hollow legs like your uncles did, because you eat all the time! You’re getting a tooth (we think) and have been drooling and crying a lot. It breaks my heart when you’re sad and not feeling well. Each day you try something new, and it’s incredible to watch you discover things for the first time. Little love, this has been such a happy three months. I’m so thankful for each day we have together and being your mama is best job of all.