Make it Happen by Lara Casey
Rating: 5/5
“You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go do them!”
Make it Happen is a true story of how one woman surrendered her fear of the unknown and set out to accomplish those goals she had previously set for herself. In her encouraging, “go-get-’em!” attitude, Casey speaks to all women who are constantly seeking perfection in their lives.
This book – which is filled with encouraging advice and true stories – is one which should be in the hands of all young women who are struggling with perfectionism and reaching their goals in life. Instead of constantly pushing goal-setting, Casey stresses the importance of living on purpose. Our lives are not meant to be a contest of perfection – they are meant to be lived out with purpose and passion. That is the message Casey speaks of in Make it Happen.
As an admitted perfectionist, this book grabbed me from the beginning. As women, we often are fearful of failure, and due to that, we tend to play it safe and just not set goals for ourselves. Casey challenges women to surrender those fears of failure and “take the leap.” And as you continue through this book, page by page, you will be encouraged to do that for yourself.
Bottom Line: I highly recommend this book to anyone who finds themselves struggling with perfectionism and making their dreams happen. Bravo, Lara Casey. Bravo.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.