When I began using essential oils over five years ago, I looked far and wide for recipes of concoctions I could create with my starter kit. Once my oil collection built up more, the possibilities were endless! I quickly realized that one of my favourite ways to use oils is by creating roller ball blends.
Rollers are so easy to use and convenient for throwing in your purse for on-the-go oiling. These four are the ones I used almost daily before becoming pregnant (I’ve been cautious of which oils are not mama-safe), and I’ve found they have worked so well for what I need. I just buy my roller bottles at my local natural store, and they’re fairly inexpensive and easy to use.
Here are the recipes to some of my favourite roller blends. Don’t forget to top each roller with a carrier oil of your choice–I use either fractionated coconut oil or sweet almond oil.
Brave Roller Blend
➕ 20 Drops Valor
➕ 20 Drops Stress Away
➕ 10 Drops Lavender
Immune Roller Blend*
➕ 10 Drops Lemon
➕ 10 Drops Thieves
➕ 5 Drops Oregano
➕ 5 Drops Frankincense
➕ 5 Drops Peppermint
➕ 5 Drops Tea Tree
*Roll on bottom of feet each night before bed.
Unicorn Roller Blend
➕ 10 Drops Joy
➕ 10 Drops Grapefruit
➕ 5 Drops SARA
➕ 5 Drops Bergamot
➕ 5 Drops Release
Breathe Roller Blend*
➕ 20 Drops R.C.
➕ 10 Drops Eucalyptus Radiata
*Roll on chest and neck area to help during those cold winter months!
Disclosure: Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.